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land lord refuse to repair 10 months left on lease - Landlord Forum thread 199927

land lord refuse to repair 10 months left on lease by Anonymous on April 8, 2010 @07:31

We moved in our house on Dec 7 2009 there was no heat, no hot water heater we were told they would have these items fixed within a week it took little over a month we had to buy kerosene to stay warm and go somewhere to take a shower. we were not aware of the basement flooding, and the damage this has caused. the house is slowly decenegrating the foundation, the house is shifting which is causing cracks throughout the roof and walls. the roof leaks in numerous places,we had problems with our electricity they had to replace the whole breaker box but we were told by the electrician this house needed to be completed rewired it is a fire trap,the owner refuses to fix thew right way they offered us deposit back and told us to move if we felt unsafe,the ground is sinking around the house, and the handy man who works for the real estate agent said this house was very likely to collapse,we still have 8 months left on lease but only want to give us 500.00 to move on it costs us 2000.00 to move in.they offered us 50.00 off rent to stay in house and not call the building and code enforcement we are scared that this house is going to fall while we are asleep or something any help would be appreciated don't know what to do. my e-mail address is my phone is 678-705-9075 or 678-891-7889
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Re: land lord refuse to repair 10 months left on lease by A.T.SF (CA) on April 8, 2010 @09:01 [ Reply ]
Hope you have the requests for repairs in writing, none the less; contact you local housing authority (city and county), and city building inspectors.
Re: land lord refuse to repair 10 months left on lease by Anonymous on April 8, 2010 @09:18 [ Reply ]
You do to know what to do Curtis! Move Move Move!
Re: land lord refuse to repair 10 months left on lease by MassLL (MA) on April 8, 2010 @10:13 [ Reply ]
"they offered us deposit back and told us to move if we felt unsafe,"

Get that offer in writing and move.

Re: land lord refuse to repair 10 months left on l by Anonymous on April 8, 2010 @11:01 [ Reply ]
Tell the landlord that you are calling the health department and not paying any more rent until you get hot water and heat.
Re: land lord refuse to repair 10 months left on lease by Monipenny on April 8, 2010 @11:30 [ Reply ]
If you bring in the housing athority, be prepared for a battle with your landlord, expect to move and take him to court for your deposit back if and only if the condition of that house is as bad as what you describe. Have proof, pictures and reports for court if necessary for court to get your money back.

You have to have solid evidence that the home is unsafe, you can't go by what you think or feel.

Re: land lord refuse to repair 10 months left on lease by OK-LL on April 8, 2010 @12:00 [ Reply ]
The lesson here is don't sign up for a slum! You rented a place with no heater and no hot water tank? What were you thinking? I'm not sure why it would cost $2K to move, but that's probably due to utility deposits which will transfer with you and a security deposit LL is willing to give you back. Tell him he pays for the UHaul rental and then move. There's no benefit to you in dragging in BCE -- it's apparent LL is a slumlord or too poor to make repairs, so you need to get your family out of this place ASAP.
Re: land lord refuse to repair 10 months left on lease by Anonymous on April 8, 2010 @13:13 [ Reply ]
Re: land lord refuse to repair 10 months left on lease by 574-Brad (IN) on April 9, 2010 @21:26 [ Reply ]
No heat/hot water? Why did you move in in the first place? What is this basement flooding? A few damp spots or a lagoon? I'm not sure what a "decenegrating" foundation is, but I'm guessing it's not your problem. Funny how it was OK when you moved in and suddenly the house is shifting/sinking into the ground? I have never heard of a house falling in during the middle of the night onto the sleeping occupants.

They offered to let you move. Why did you move in ever? This place was a dump when you moved in, and it's still a dump today.

We don't need your ph#. How about your address and we'll ask your LL what the real story is?

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