The LPA Furnished Lease Agreement
Have a Quality Furnished or Seasonal Rental? Then you should have POWERFUL LANDLORD PROTECTION !
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The LPA Furnished Lease Agreement with Inventory Checklist is designed specifically to protect landlords against common tenant situations when renting furnished apartments, condominiums and houses. Painful and expensive experiences with tenants can be avoided. It was written especially to save you repeatedly from serious tenant nightmares, and from losing a lot of money! This form also covers important aspects of Apartment and Condo Renting, such as laundry facilities, storerooms, utilities, maintenance, association fees, etc.
We've customized The LPA Furnished Lease to conform with each state's requirements! Just select your state when downloading!
The LPA Furnished Lease Rental Agreement with Inventory Checklist is written in plain english and is easy for the average landlord to read and understand without needing an attorney to interpret it.
Because it is already in word processor format for your convenience, you can easily add, delete or change items in the document to customize the lease to your exact needs.
Includes our LATEST NEW LEASE CLAUSES! The LPA Furnished Lease can be either Month to Month or Fixed Term.
The LPA Furnished Lease Rental Agreement with Inventory Checklist is designed to fully interact with and support all of our Essential Forms for rental property management.
NEW LEASE CLAUSES INCLUDED! The latest Landlord Protection Lease clauses are included in The LPA Furnished Lease Rental Agreement:
- Latest Appliance Service Contract clause
- Tenants Waiver of Claims (When Returning Security Money)
- Furnished Inventory Checklist
It does its job to discourage problem renters from signing on as our tenants. If the LPA Application doesn't discourage the Deadbeat, the LPA Lease will. Let them disqualify themselves before they become your headache!
We highly recommend that the lease be read and explained to the tenant in person. We find it to be more effective that way. After all, it is an instruction manual for how to be your tenant in your apartment.
Before turning over a valuable asset with a mere 1 or 2 month security deposit, make sure the tenants understand and agree to all your terms. You'd be surprised at how many people are so eager to just sign the lease without bothering to read it. You can get a real idea of what these people will be like as tenants and how they will get along with other tenants by how they respond to the terms in your lease.
For example:
- What does it tell you if the prospect has a major problem with your late fee policy? That's right, he expects to pay rent late.
- How about if the prospect argues about being responsible for minor repairs?
- Or the cleaning charge?
- Or if he has a problem with a penalty for unauthorized occupants?
- What if he has a real problem with the default clause, which outlines your rights to evict for nonpayment?
- The LPA Lease also includes a clause requiring the tenant to maintain Renter's Insurance, along with many other essential clauses designed to protect the landlord.
You really can learn a lot about a tenant during the lease signing.
Remember, our leases are not meant to be used as weapons. They are Landlord Protection tools to defend yourself and your property from unscrupulous tenants and difficult situations. Although the LPA Apartment Lease is a very powerful tool, it's even more powerful when you use it effectively.
Part of the Essential Forms Package
This form is a part of the Essential Forms package along with 100+ other forms. You can access all of our landlord forms with an LPA membership.
LPA Landlords who use the LPA Lease Agreement also use:
Property Condition Report - Move In Checklist
Early Occupancy Addendum
Crime Free Addendum
First Right of Refusal Addendum
The Credit Reporting Disclosure Notice
The LPA Pet Agreement
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