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Rent to a sister with a mental ex NEED HELP!!! - Landlord Forum thread 101270

Rent to a sister with a mental ex NEED HELP!!! by Sally on January 24, 2004 @17:18

Sister lives in my 2 family home , with her 2 kids and boyfriend for over a year now . I have never had any problems with these tenants paying rent or anything . Recently they broke up a relationship of over 6 years and the problems are begining !!!! I have had the police here so many times I cant remember and I am torn over a huge decision , I dont want to live my life like this anymore I have my own family to be concerned with . The ex destroys her property and seems to be stalking her . he almost broke the door down one night. She wont do a damn thing and thinks this will go away I say it is only going to get worse. All of her bills are in my name as well bad history of never paying . I did what i did renting to her for the kids and until now I can see this may have been the biggest mistake of my life . I dont want any more trouble its beginning to be a regular thing here now . We only have a verbal renting agreement and now what am I suppose to do ? I want to put everything in writting or I want her to move . The ex says he will only stop returning here when she moves .He is showing me his obsessive side and i think he is so possesive I am afraid what the outcome will turn out to be
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Re: Rent to a sister with a mental ex NEED HELP!!! by on January 28, 2004 @20:57 [ Reply ]
I would be very interested in some of your responses to your ?. I too have a sister living in a single wide mobile home with her son, who is 11, lazy, sassy. They are our first tenents. I wish we had never done this. We worked all one summer fixing it up. Spent around $8,000 puting it back together. Actually my husband rebuilt and remodeled it. Put new siding, flooring, windows, carpet and redecorted on the inside. Now all screens are torn, new storm door broke, she would not haul her garbage off so we pay a garbage service. She is always late on rent. We sent her a letter letting her know that if she is late anymore that she will be charged a late fee. Well we got a letter back demanding repairs to things that was a curtisy to her. Like roof on deck, that we built, we have done everything she has ask and more. Very frustrated and used.

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