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Re: Month to Month Lease, is it easier to evict? - Landlord Forum thread 147940

Re: Month to Month Lease, is it easier to evict? by Eric (CA) on November 30, 2007 @17:06

Thanks for your posts. I am trying to educate myself on the process in case I need to go through it. I guess I am playing catch up on some things I should have been absolutely sure about before renting. I am asking more, what if typ questions because I have never been through the process. I need to be sure I understand exactly what I need to should the situation arise. Perhaps I should have hired a property management team, but felt I was fairly intelligent enough to learn what I needed. (I am a quick learner, but don't like to learn the hardway)

Again, my questions are more of a what if scenario, perhaps a scenario I should have understood a while ago. My fault for believing people are going to be as good to me as I am to them. Not true, Lesson learned!

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