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Re: RENT INCREASE IN PA. - Landlord Forum thread 150742

Re: RENT INCREASE IN PA. by Anonymous on February 3, 2008 @13:12

No rent increase limits in PA. But I wouldn't wait until summer. Notify in May that the rent will increase in June. That way if he doesn't get out you have time to evict & get the unit ready for those that move in July-August before school starts. Get the rent to market levels and keep it there by small increases each year. Everyone is used to a small cost of living increase yearly and it won't be quite so shocking that way.
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Re: RENT INCREASE IN PA. by Michael on February 4, 2008 @04:23 [ Reply ]
I agree guys and girls, its my fault, my apartment buildings i raise the rent $10 a year and they are at market price, its just my houses that i screwed up with, my houses cost me more to rent then my apartment buildings, each have 5 or more units and i have a great guy who is the maintenance man for all 5 buildings, in return, i give him free rent in a small basement apartment, he also works a full time job as the maintenance person at a local hospital so he is happy with the situation, the only thing he does not do is snow removal, i have a landscape/snow removal company that i own that removes the snow from my properties and contract properties.

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