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No Hot water in laundry room a housing violation? - Landlord Forum thread 154460

No Hot water in laundry room a housing violation? by Daniel (CA) on April 18, 2008 @06:04

No Hot water in laundry room a violation of housing code?

I have a laundry room in a separate building, in a room attached to the garage. An 8 unit building in a rent control city, Santa Monica.

The boiler for the laundry room broke down. I have a 90 yr old lady tenant that complained to the city, it’s been around 1 week. There's a laundromat 2 blocks away and I planned on replacing the item in the next months budget.

(The city inspector came while I was working inside one of the apartments. I clearly told him not to come in several times. He asked if I was the LL and I just answered that I am just doing maintenance. He came back with one of the tenants who informed him that I was the LL. I told him repeatedly not to come into the apartment unit that I was working on, but he came in anyway to talk to me about the Laundry room.)

I informed the inspector that there is no obligation to provide a laundry room and as of this point the laundry room is closed and shut down.

I was issued a violation notice on the famous hot water law that LL must abide by. But I read the county statute and that ordinance is only for bathroom and kitchen habitability; and not for laundry.

So there’s two points
A. The inspector trespassed into the apartment unit that I was working on.
B. How to approach the county over stepping their boundaries in using the hot water rule on an area that it doesn’t have jurisdiction.

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Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violation? by Daniel (CA) on April 18, 2008 @06:32 [ Reply ]
LA County code if interested.

Look at 11.20.190 and 11.20.260

Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violati by Anonymous on April 18, 2008 @16:14 [ Reply ]
These people are little Nazis. A little power makes then think they are above the law ,and you're a puny worm to piss off. You can sue them, or just fix their gripe. Piss them off, and they'll be on your ass all the time.
Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violation? by Micah on April 18, 2008 @16:18 [ Reply ]
Just fix it then do not renew the lease of the person who reported you. Do not evict, just do not renew. The last thing you want is someone calling the cops or the housing authority over every little thing. Who the hell uses hot water for laundry anymore anyways? They made new detergents especially for cold water to save on resources... I don't think I've used hot water for laundry in the past 10 years...
Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violati by Lighthope on April 18, 2008 @17:12 [ Reply ]
What does your lease say about the laundry room?

Also, I did read over the section about hot water and you seem to be right. It doesn't say anything about having to provide hot water. All it says is that it has to provide ventilation and some such "to the outside atmosphere".

Did he actually list the section he accuses you of violating? Definitely fight this one.


Pearls of Wisdom - Oftentimes, the most loving thing God can do for his children is to say "no".

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