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Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violation? - Landlord Forum thread 154505

Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violation? by Micah on April 18, 2008 @16:18

Just fix it then do not renew the lease of the person who reported you. Do not evict, just do not renew. The last thing you want is someone calling the cops or the housing authority over every little thing. Who the hell uses hot water for laundry anymore anyways? They made new detergents especially for cold water to save on resources... I don't think I've used hot water for laundry in the past 10 years...
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Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violati by Anonymous on April 18, 2008 @16:23 [ Reply ]
So your washer heats the water. Unless you're in a very hot state in the summer, "cold" washes still used water hotter than a bath or shower. They are only cold compared to the old 70C washes.
    Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violati by Micah on April 18, 2008 @19:13 [ Reply ]
    Actually, in a washing machine "hot" is the hot water from your hot water tank, "warm" is a combination of hot and normal tap temp, and "cold" is tap temp (your regular cold water. Thats is why there are both hot and cold water connections to the back of your washing machine. Most if not all home washing machines do not heat the water themselves. The majority of clothes these day can be washed in cold water. In reality, many of them specify if on the labels... Personally I prefer fluff and fold service at the laundromat.
Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violation? by Jenn on December 19, 2018 @02:51 [ Reply ]
Not renewing I'd a pretty effed up thing to do. They can then get you for retaliation. Providing hot water in the laundry room should be a requirement of the landlord. Hot water kills bacteria!! Just think of all the nasty ass people in the building washing their dirty laundry on a daily basis. This is definitely a health code violation! I'm going through the same thing in my building and if its not fixed soon then I will be reporting also. I'm glad I read this. All of you slumlords get your shit together. Would you like washing your clothes in a filthy sesspool of bacteria?!! No, I don't think so

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