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Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violati - Landlord Forum thread 154516

Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violati by Lighthope on April 18, 2008 @17:12

What does your lease say about the laundry room?

Also, I did read over the section about hot water and you seem to be right. It doesn't say anything about having to provide hot water. All it says is that it has to provide ventilation and some such "to the outside atmosphere".

Did he actually list the section he accuses you of violating? Definitely fight this one.


Pearls of Wisdom - Oftentimes, the most loving thing God can do for his children is to say "no".

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Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violati by Terry (ca) on April 19, 2008 @05:27 [ Reply ]
Here's the problem..if you furnish an appliance when you rent the unit, then ESPECIALLY in the RIDICULOUS rent control areas, you are obligated to keep it in working order.

So do all of your eight units have their own hot water heaters for the units and this for sure only services the washer?

Given WHERE you own this rental..I'd say get it fixed pronto and charge it. You won't win against them even if you ARE right!

    Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violati by Terry (ca) on April 19, 2008 @05:28 [ Reply ]
    AND for ONE YEAR, you'd better not RAISE HER RENT, NOT RENEW HER LEASE, etc. or it will be viewed as retailiatory and you'll be in a LOAD of trouble. As LL's we MUST have emergency funds available...and be ready to make repairs when needed...habitability issues or not. Lines or credit, credit cards, etc.

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