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Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots - Landlord Forum thread 185048

Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots by Ultimate M-Bone on August 26, 2009 @14:52

For real? First of all, you don't state where you are from, laws vary by location. Who is the rent board? Are you in a rent control area? As long as you did not have tenant sign a fixed term lease, all you have to do is give them a notice to vacate, term would determin by your State law, wether it's a 15 day, 30 day, 45 or 60 day notice to vacate. No reason needed for that notice. You can check the landlord/tenant laws on this site at the right of the screen.
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Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots by Laura (California) on August 26, 2009 @21:54 [ Reply ]
We have given her two 60 day notices to move out. The first time she said she didn't need to move because she still had two months left of paying 533.33. I went to the Rent Board and was told this was true. After the two months were up I gave her another notice to move because I was going to sell the house and went to the Rent Board to let them know I had done this. A guy name Keith said it was not a good reason for them to move and I also had to go to a lawyer to handle the eviction. I had consulted a lawyer previously regarding an eviction and they charge $1,500. I live in Oakland, CA and they have all kinds of laws to protect the tenants. One lawyer I spoke to said Alameda County was tenant friendly, and with everything this tenant has put us through I would say that is definately an understatement.

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