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Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots - Landlord Forum thread 185057

Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots by OK-LL on August 26, 2009 @16:13

If you know the landlord/tenant law for your state, your tenant won't be able to bully you with her lies. If you do not have a current lease then she is a M2M tenant and can be required to vacate the unit with a simple 30-day (or whatever time required by your state) notice to terminate tenancy -- no reason required. That's it! If she does not leave at the end of the notice period, you simply file for eviction in small claims court (or whichever court your state uses for FED) and out she goes! Quit being a doormat and take care of this situation NOW!
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Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots by Laura (California) on August 26, 2009 @22:37 [ Reply ]
Aparently it isn't that easy. The gentleman that was going to take care of managing the duplex for me because he said he had 30 years experience and he knew the laws here in Alameda County. After talking to her he said he couldn't help us because she was threatening to sue and he didn't want to be part of a lawsuit. I told him she had been threatening for some time now but she doesn't have grounds to sue. That didn't change his mind. This is the second man who tried to help us whom she intimidated. Believe me I would love to stop being a doormat and take care of this situation but when I talked to a couple of lawyers and a couple of managers that advice me not to say anything to her this lets me know where I stand in this situation.

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