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Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots - Landlord Forum thread 185058

Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots by OK-LL on August 26, 2009 @16:16

AND she does not have a legal right to refuse your entry into the unit with the proper 24-hour notice to inspect -- the inspection should be set for a reasoanble time and purpose -- for instace to inspect the condition of the property at or near 12:00 noon. She can only legally refuse entry if it is set for an unreasonable time or purpose -- "we'll be looking in at midnight to see if you're in your underwear."

24-hour Notice to Enter for inspection is not a request, it is a statement. Tenant need not be present. If she refuses your entry, call the police and get them to keep the peace while you do your lawful inspection.

You have to show this twit who's boss -- and BTW, that's YOU!

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Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots by Anonymous on August 26, 2009 @22:46 [ Reply ]
I already tried that when I gave her the previous notice to do an inspection. I gave her a 48 hour notice and she handed us a letter one hour before the inspection was to take place. The letter stated that we could only go in for specific reasons and they were listed. Apparently inspection of the unit wasn't one of them. We called the police and when they came they said they couldn't make her let us enter her unit.
    Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots by Anonymous on August 27, 2009 @21:04 [ Reply ]
    You don't need to do an inspection. You already know the window is broken. (Take a photo of the broken window from public view.) That window is a potential entry point for thieves, energy loss, and injury. You need to fix it to secure the property. You are going in to measure the window to make needed repairs. Surely entry to begin necessary repairs is a permitted reason. Give her this reason on the entry form. If she still refuses, take her refusal to a flat rate eviction attorney (along with that refusal letter). Call around you'll find one. You need one that specializes in evictions ONLY, not any other type of law.
Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots by Diane on June 22, 2014 @13:00 [ Reply ]
Have never been a landlord before. This is a nightmare for us. We have been polite and courteous. We see evidence of a business being run on our property. The tenants list our address as their place of business. We are so liable if anything happens. Frankly, based upon the evidence we discovered, we want them to leave and run their business elsewhere. They are on vacation at the moment, and when they return, we want to approach them via our property manager to tactfully inquire as to whether they are operating a business or not...Can anyone help provide some clairity. Thank you very much.

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