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Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots - Landlord Forum thread 185077

Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots by Anonymous on August 26, 2009 @21:39

Believe it or not this is a woman with an education but you never would have guessed it if you heard her cussing us out. We are so far behind in our mortgage payments that we don't want to throw more money away on a lawyer something that is going to be lost. I went to the Rent Board and let them know that their decision is causing all of us to lose. They don't care they feel so righteous about their decision it didn't mean anything that it destroyed us both financialy and emotionally. This woman has also taking me to the rent board again because I took the dryer away that is ours. It had belong to the previous landlady so when we bouught the place it became ours. We told her not to run the dryer after ten or it would be taken away but she was going to show me. She kept using it whenever she wanted to and it made a horrible sould because the drum was out of kilt. When she put it on at one in the morning we took it away. She's claiming she has to spend $60 in drying her clothes so therefor her rent went up that amount. She hasn't been nasty to us since my husband turns the camera on her whenever she approches us.
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