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Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots - Landlord Forum thread 185089

Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots by Ultimate M-Bone on August 27, 2009 @00:04

If you gave 60 day notice to vacate, no reason needed, then why can't you not accept her rent come the first of the month and file for eviction? If lawyer fees are that high, then learn the eviction proceedure, talk to other landlords in your area, go to court, sit in on some cases to learn what to expect and watch how the proceedings go. I don't know about any other landlord, but when I meet one here who doesn't know how to evict their tenant, I take them by the hand and help them get rid of their tenant fast. I would like to think any other landlord would do the same. Go to the filing clerk, pick up the forms you will need, visit your landlord associations, ask questions. Every landlord should know the laws and procedures to evict. Next time thoroughly screen all future tenants. Sounds like you've got a real nut on your hands. But I don't understand why the rent board and tenant friendly laws weigh so heavily against you. Sounds too exteme to be true.
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Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots by OK-LL on August 27, 2009 @08:15 [ Reply ]
I agree -- I think OP is talking to too many sources and not reading her LL/T law for herself. I'd start the eviction process by serving XX-day termination, then filing in court and see how things unfold -- without an attorney (after sitting in and maybe talking to my local LL association, as you said). The best case is you win, worst case you lose and learn why & how to do it right.

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