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Re: Building Code Inspector Left His Card In The Door - Landlord Forum thread 186577

Re: Building Code Inspector Left His Card In The Door by Anonymous on September 8, 2009 @18:17

I don't know the specifics of laws for your areas. The basics that are usually in placd for every area inclulde:
a stove would absolutely not be allowed; there needs to be an egress as another person described from each living space room (bedroom, living room); ceiling definately have to be a certian height(which is what makes a lot of basement places illegal because they are usually slighly too low to be deemed living space); and your land needs to be zoned to allow a 2 family unit. Certinally you should take out the stove and store it off the property (inspector is gonna realize if you have a random extra stove in your garage or other place). If you have a door between your house and the apt either take the door down or change the door handle so it cannot be locked. If you do that, you may be able to claim the person downstairs is just renting those 2 rooms and has free access to the house. You may be able to claim you are a "family" as seen by the law and it would get around a zoning problem. Can't do anything if there are the legal egresses or legal ceiling height. Also, as someone else said all the wiring,plumbing, etc may need to be inspected if it was not done when installed.

If there was no note left I may not call the person back. I may just wait for them to come again, but you definatley don't want to piss off inspectors to make your life hell.

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