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Re: acceptable time-frame for hvac repair? - Landlord Forum thread 222060

Re: acceptable time-frame for hvac repair? by Anonymous on April 22, 2011 @22:22

I have units in AZ where it gets into the 120's in the summer. I keep portable A/C units in storage on-site in case someone's a/c goes out. We can get the portables up and running within an hour.

In our area it can be a life or death situation.

I also keep a 3500 watt generator on-site in case the power goes out. In a major emergency we could cool a downstairs unit (better insulated) and cram everyone in the building in there if necessary or until the city opened shelters.

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Re: acceptable time-frame for hvac repair? by eloisa (sc) on April 23, 2011 @07:17 [ Reply ]
Wow that's great advise. You're super prepared! This is a sfh though, I don't know that I have to do all that but it sounds worth adopting. Thanks!

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