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Re: proper 30 day notice? - Landlord Forum thread 224965

Re: proper 30 day notice? by Anonymous on June 2, 2011 @18:22

Did you inform them when they gave their notice that the 30 days begins on the first of the month and not the middle of the month? If you didn't then I would think that you can't hold them to that. In WA state notice can only be given by tenant and landlord on the first of the month but I would always tell my tenant at the time they gave notice of this. Personally I like it when a tenant gives notice to leave in the middle of the month as it gives me time to paint and do repairs prior to the next month starting.
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Re: proper 30 day notice? by Bryan (Ia) on June 2, 2011 @19:17 [ Reply ]
2 things here...We don't know what state the OP is in, therefor we don't don't that it is a term state as your post indicates. Second, It's not the duty of the LL to inform the T of his legal obligations. It may prevent issues if the LL does, but there is no legal requirement for the LL to do so.

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