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Re: sex offender - Landlord Forum thread 235009

Re: sex offender by ERIC on September 20, 2011 @18:44

You already have him. It's too late, unless he just became one. Wait for the end of the lease, or non-payment.

If you only have one place you are renting, he might be the best renter you will ever have. If he has a job, pays rent and has good credit, keep him.

If you have an apartment building, it's a death nail to have anyone find out.
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Re: sex offender by Anonymous (ca) on September 20, 2011 @19:23 [ Reply ]
yes, he has a job, pays rent and has good credit. this ia a SFH.
What's the risk for keeping him?
    Re: sex offender by ERIC on September 20, 2011 @19:32 [ Reply ]
    No risk to you. The neighbors might get mad, so what. If he does it again, you will need a new tenant. There are many level of sex offenders. They have to live somewhere. By having a good job, and a decent credit score, you eliminate much of the risk. He is a better tenant than a drug dealer.

    Ask him about it if you are concerned.

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