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Re: sex offender - Landlord Forum thread 235021

Re: sex offender by ERIC on September 20, 2011 @19:32

No risk to you. The neighbors might get mad, so what. If he does it again, you will need a new tenant. There are many level of sex offenders. They have to live somewhere. By having a good job, and a decent credit score, you eliminate much of the risk. He is a better tenant than a drug dealer.

Ask him about it if you are concerned.
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Re: sex offender by Jake on September 20, 2011 @20:27 [ Reply ]
"They have to live somewhere."

How about under a bridge? What level offender do you want living next to your children?
    Re: sex offender by ERIC on September 20, 2011 @21:42 [ Reply ]
    No kids, so I don't care. But I have multi-family properties, so I do not even come close to renting to them. Once a tenant is in, it's too late.

    The ones on the national check, are the level IIIs. The worst. Most likely to re-offend. There are 1000's more that never make it to the list. I would rather have one of those, than a drug dealer. BUT, I am the strictest screener I know, so they would not get by my checks.
    Re: sex offender by Ally (mn) on May 26, 2012 @20:45 [ Reply ]
    Yes sex-offenders need to live somewhere. And no not underneath a dog on bridge. They are humans just like us. Not even animals belong under a bridge. Not all level III sex offenders are repeat offenders. If the they drive a car with out a lixcence is grounds. So, instead of lableing them the way some landlords do . Ask the offender why they are a level III. All threes are not bad. It is hard enough to find an a place to live now days, give them a chance. DON'T LET YOUR THOUGHTS MAKE A DECISION BEFORE YOU KNOW MORE. THANK YOU
Re: sex offender by Anonymous on September 20, 2011 @21:23 [ Reply ]
What questions should I ask?
Where to find the level of sex offender?

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