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Re: Mailbox Key - Landlord Forum thread 235214

Re: Mailbox Key by Katiekate (New York) on September 22, 2011 @14:47

There is no such law.

He will have to go to the post office to get a are not allowed to copy them

(you should go get one for yourself too)

I would send him a certified letter that the mail box key is his responsibility to deal with. He lost it..he needs to go to the post office to get it replaced.

Then.. I would just ignore this tenant and don't get into a spitting match with him.

If he does deduct this from the will have to decide then what you will do. Either, just leave it alone because he is otherwise a good tenant...or...send him a 3 day q or p to get the rest of your rent money. But..wait will you see what happens.
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Re: Mailbox Key by OK-LL on September 22, 2011 @16:16 [ Reply ]
Katiekate, I've always appreciated your approach to the whole key sitation. Provide the tenant with his set and let him know that from then forward, he's 100% responsible for his own access to the rental and mailbox; your responsibility ends at that moment. That puts the onus on the tenant to solve his own access issues without involving the LL.

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