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Re: Mailbox Key - Landlord Forum thread 235227

Re: Mailbox Key by OK-LL on September 22, 2011 @16:14

I think you may need to clarify the type of mailbox setup you have. I believe you are talking about a mailbox bank where the 8 mailboxes are opened by the postal worker as a unit to put the mail in, but each individual box door opens separately by the tenant's key. In that setup, the mailbox bank itself is the financial responsibility of the LL, the ability and key to open the full bank is reserved for the postal worker exclusively, and the individual door locks are the LLs responsibility, much like the front door lock of the rental unit. If a tenant loses his key, he is responsible for the cost of replacement. If the LL typically retains a copy but in this case can't find it, that's poor management and I wouldn't charge the replacement lock cost to the tenant. I'd eat that replacement lock cost and only charge the tenant for the spare key charge. If you didn't have 2 keys to the box when the tenant moved in, it was your responsiblility to make a spare for yourself. If you did have and subsequently lost it, that's your bad. Neither of these errors should be charged against the tenant.
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