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Re: Want to move back in... - Landlord Forum thread 236343

Re: Want to move back in... by Jersey Girl (NJ) on October 2, 2011 @08:43

I am not looking to file Eviction. I want to not renew the lease. It has been a long 2 year lease with much drama. I would like to go back to my home and start cleaning it out since I did not have the chance 2 years ago. They are very rude when you ask if you can do anything on your own property. I would rather just be there by myself and take care of my husbands things.
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Re: Want to move back in... by NJ-LL (NJ) on October 2, 2011 @10:02 [ Reply ]
You have to assume that they won't leave after their lease is up. Since in NJ you have to "EVICT WITH A CAUSE", you have to send a "Notice to quit" so you can file eviction the very next day after their lease is up under the cause of "OWNER WANTS TO OCCUPY THE UNIT".

You have to send this notice 2 months before their lease ends. Send it via regular and certified mail.

Sending your tenant a non_renewal will do you no good since you won't be able to evict them anyway with out a cause if they decide to fight it. Then, it would take you longer to get them out.

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