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How to handle lost payment in the mail? - Landlord Forum thread 240339

How to handle lost payment in the mail? by Anonymous on November 14, 2011 @19:00

Tenants have never been late with payment for past 5 months. Tenants said payment was mailed a week a go and I have not received it. One pays via personal check, the other one via money order. What do I do? Do I ask them to stop payment on the personal check, and trace the money order? Do I ask them to resend payment? My tenants are college students with part time jobs, so not sure if they would have extra cash. I have not given Pay or Quit Notice, this is the first time its happen, and I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
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Re: How to handle lost payment in the mail? by Anonymous on November 14, 2011 @19:51 [ Reply ]
Yes you definately ask them to resend payment. They have the ability to stop payment on the check (not sure about money order). Even when mailing it is tenants responsibility for the rent getting to you on time. I don't think there is anything wrong with giving them a little bit extra time (many here would disagree) but do not give them too long. They are college students and as such they usually change jobs often and are out of work often. While what they say could very well be true it could also be a stalling tactic. If you live close offer to pick up the money from them so they don't have to mail it to you. I would not give them more then another week and then I would post a P&Q notice.
Re: How to handle lost payment in the mail? by Anonymous on November 14, 2011 @20:20 [ Reply ]
what state? serve p or q and then talk
who told you the mail was lost? by Anonymous on November 14, 2011 @20:28 [ Reply ]
I never lose a single mail in 40 years!
Re: How to handle lost payment in the mail? by ERIC on November 14, 2011 @22:03 [ Reply ]
Have them send you a new check. There is no need to put a stop payment on the personal check, but the money order may still be 'live'.

Generally, a letter will be delivered within 4 days.
Re: How to handle lost payment in the mail? by Anonymous on November 14, 2011 @22:26 [ Reply ]
Mail CAN get lost. I can't tell you how many times I have received others people mail in my mailbox and vice versa so it does happen but not often so keep that in mind when deciding how long to give them.
Re: How to handle lost payment in the mail? by Katiekate (New York) on November 15, 2011 @05:06 [ Reply ]
Just ask them to send another for the money order, ask them to send the receipt to you. With that, you can go file for a replacement. If it is lost, it takes a couple weeks to get it replaced (by post office).

If they don't have the receipt..then you are being fed a stalling line.

Ask that they send this immediately, and if they are feeling unsure about the mail..send it certified.
Re: How to handle lost payment in the mail? by Anonymous on November 15, 2011 @08:48 [ Reply ]
For a one time thing, I would just ask that they resend immediately and stop payment on the check/money order. If you want to make sure they are telling the truth you can ask for copy of the moeny order receipt and stop payment on check. If they can't provide this, then they probably didn't send you anything in the first place and have just been stalling. It's up to you if you want to require this to waive any late fee.

I have it in my lease when rent is due by RECEIVED by me and that loss of mail is not an acceptable reason for late payment. It is tenants responsibility to make sure payment is in my hand by due date, so if mailing they need to do this early enough to make sure it gets to me. If it happens again, I would charge late fee for the late payment and if late enough serve pay or quit. I only waive late fee once if tenant has been good before.
Re: How to handle lost payment in the mail? by MassLL (MA) on November 15, 2011 @09:26 [ Reply ]
They have to pay the rent. You can tell them that if you ever get the lost check and order, you will let them know. Other than that, how they handle the lost check and lost money order is up to them.
Re: How to handle lost payment in the mail? by P-Bone in WNY (NY) on November 15, 2011 @13:48 [ Reply ]
My sister actually had this happen, her rent check got lost in the mail. It is on the onus of the tenant to ensure payment is delivered by the due date. As long as this appeared to be a one-time occurance, I would generally allow for 3-4 days for them to ensure payment. Again, it is still the tenant's responsibility to ensure the rent is delivered and received by the landlord. Ideally, if they want to ensure this, certified mail would be the best way, although at a cost.
Re: How to handle lost payment in the mail? by Anonymous on June 14, 2018 @17:24 [ Reply ]
The post office has lost my rent three times well for if you got the time it was stolen because I made the mistake of putting it in the Box it was out in front of the post office. I'm hoping my landlord will give me the benefit of the doubt I've been paying my rent here for 18 years the post office has lost it three times and then like I said it was stolen once. Now my landlord tells me I can wire him my rent my rent. Why haven't I been doing this to begin with? Anyways I'm hoping that he will give me some slack and allow me to pay my rent twice on the 1st of next month. If he doesn't then I guess I'll just be pushing a shopping cart around. #why do I depend on the post office why can't they do their job? I could end up on the streets because of their incompetence

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