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Re: Illegal Activity want other landlord's advice ASAP - Landlord Forum thread 248155

Re: Illegal Activity want other landlord's advice ASAP by LL (CA) on February 13, 2012 @17:09

So, they're probably being able to afford the rent through dealing drugs. If he goes to jail, she will either take over the family business or won't be able to afford to pay rent, then you will have to evict. Can you imagine what they'll do to your property in the interim?

I can guarantee with the wear and tear that that family is doing to your house, you will have real difficulty selling the place with them in it, especially with the market as competitive as it is just now.

Your neighbours need to report the activities to the police - they need to take care of their own saftey too - and you need to serve them with a 30 day notice to git.

Good luck.
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Re: Illegal Activity want other landlord's advice ASAP by Anonymous on February 13, 2012 @17:58 [ Reply ]
The house is in Ohio. They are 3 months in to a 2yr rent to own lease. I did check with my landlord insurance policy and we do have vandalism coverage..... I hate to think of how ugly it could get, and hate to involve neighbors who live there, although they are aware of the charges and suspected behavior. Can they contest the 30 day notice, since they've paid on time? Timing wise it may be good to get this done in winter months before people are spending time outside....
    Re: Illegal Activity want other landlord's advice ASAP by LL (CA) on February 13, 2012 @18:15 [ Reply ]
    This complicates things. I think everyone who posted assumed it was a month-to-month agreement but since you have a lease, you will need to evict if payments are missed.

    I know I have a clause in my leases which immediately voids the contract if the tenants are participating in illegal activities on my property.

    I would also consider this.....if they ARE drug dealing from your property, what are the implications for you as the property owner, especially if you know what is happening but do nothing about it? Then also consider the types of people they are bringing into your neighbourhood. You may see property values in the area decline as the crime rate increases or it becomes known as a drug area.

    I am currently dealing with a drug-dealing neighbour where I reside. Talk to your local narcs, they are a font of information and your tenants may already be on their radar.

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