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Re: Illegal Activity want other landlord's advice ASAP - Landlord Forum thread 248271

Re: Illegal Activity want other landlord's advice ASAP by Kathleen (OH) on February 14, 2012 @19:44

Yes, I get the feeling we are constrained by the law and lease which are in the renter's favor, yet if something happens, I'M responsible because I own the property? The part with the neighbors is most upsetting to me- I'm afraid if I pursuit it and they win and get to stay, how is that going to affect my neighbors? For the most part there has been little contact because it's winter and no one is outside. But in the spring and summer it will be different. Ideally it would be nice to get them out by April before there is much contact. I want to do the right thing!I'm trying to do the right thing for the safety and reputation of the neighborhood, and that doesn't seem to matter as much as giving tenants all the rights.
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Re: Illegal Activity want other landlord's advice ASAP by Anonymous on February 14, 2012 @22:13 [ Reply ]
"giving tenants all the rights". You failed to do your job of screening properly and this is the results, P'oed neighbors, police watching your house, and you blame it on the tenants because they have all the rights! What responsibility did you not have in any of this?
    Re: Illegal Activity want other landlord's advice ASAP by Kathleen on February 15, 2012 @11:47 [ Reply ]
    I turned to renting the house as a creative way to deal with the house not selling. I did do an online criminal check- it said no criminal history on either. I realize now that I was not educated on being a landlord- I trusted their real estate agent as being knowledgable. I understand I have a responsibility and take ownership of that- i just need to know how I can protect myself and my neighbors within the legal system, even with a poorly written lease. I WAS ignorant, now it's time for me to step up and handle this correctly, I get that....why should they as people behaving criminally have any rights?

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