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Re: Illegal Activity want other landlord's advice ASAP - Landlord Forum thread 248284

Re: Illegal Activity want other landlord's advice ASAP by Anonymous on February 15, 2012 @02:11

Give them a forcible detainer, which is the three day notice. Staple a copy of the arraignment outcome to it. Proceed forward with an eviction. I would get a copy of the police report showing the male tenant was arrested for heroin trafficking. Take it to court with you. Heroin trafficking is serious, and your best bet is to get them out. The next thing you may have to deal with is a drug overdose in the house.
I would get advice from a real lawyer, one well versed in dealing with landlord-tenant issues. Your lawyer may be able to call her and tell her to exit, rather than drag it out.
Do not accept anymore rent from these people, and get them out for your own sanity and the sanity of the neighbors. I went through this and the next tenants I rented to took care of my house, and paid their rent. I had to take one step back to get two steps forward. You don't let her stay there, she is most likely selling or depending on the drug money. And she isn't going to be able to make enough now that they have charges around them, because the users don't want to buy from someone who has just been charged, and risk getting charged themselves.
Every case is my case a police officer ended up getting injured, two adult males got tazzed and faced a laundry list of charges, as well as the family dog getting tazzed. The woman left the house a mess, too.

I would tell the neighbors if any more children wander across the street in pajamas, make sure the child is safe,call the police and let the police get children's services involved. A child deserves better.
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