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Re: Tenant refuses to move out - Landlord Forum thread 249776

Re: Tenant refuses to move out by Katiekate (New York) on March 5, 2012 @09:38

It is the oldest trick in the book.... claim to have hire an attorney and you will sue. This is to scare you into doing what she wants. I will bet you that if she hired an attorney (which I doubt) the attorney told her to get moved by the move out date.

I would send a letter (certified) reminding her of the move out date.. make a couple suggestions for clean up that will help her get her deposit back, and pointing out that failing to move means you would have to file for eviction. Explain that eviction would be on her background history forever..making it very hard to ever rent a decent place again. Make the letter in the tone of are being helpful to her. But..make it clear she will move.

Like Jake says..if she doesn't move on do not need to post a 'cure or move' can go directly to the court and file for a writ of possession on 'hold over'.
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Re: Tenant refuses to move out by Anna Mouse on March 5, 2012 @11:24 [ Reply ]
In reading this problem I wonder. If you have a tenant with a good credit score would the be messing around and doing this type of thing?

I read these posts and see how they might relate to my situation. Am I correct in thinking this won't happen to me because there is no way someone with a 700+ credit score would ever cause this greif because they realize that an eviction would wreck everything. It could happen if they went off the deep end but not likely?

If so, one more reason to look for someone with a better credit and income? I realize not every rental is such that you can but those who can should.

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