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Re: Tenant refuses to move out - Landlord Forum thread 249850

Re: Tenant refuses to move out by Anonymous on March 5, 2012 @19:04

Have procedures for everything. Mine is like this. We give notice of non-renewal at 30-60 days. Along with this we give them a clean-up sheet with a supply list and a checklist to do if they want their deposit back. Along with a fresh copy of our cleaning cost sheet reminding them it costs a LOT more if we do it. Also a copy of their right to deposit accounting and inspection.

About the 15th we stop by and check on progress and give them a new checklist set to replace the first one they already lost. If we haven't seen substantial move out progress by the last week we make contact and try to determine what's up - and remind them that others/contractors, whatever, are waiting for the property and their failure to move will be a huge cost against them that will damage their credit, etc.

Still no action - on the morning of the 1st we are first in line at court, by the time the tenant is up for their first can of beer we are at the door with a summons. We do not waste one single second. Regarding service, I will sit on them in teams around the clock if necessary until we track them down and serve, so we can make our 5 day court date.

In court we will get judgment as they are holdover, and in 5 more days a lockout. Total time in a perfect world 17 days. In our state if the tenant wants to fight they have to put all funds on deposit with the court. This will never happen.
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Re: Tenant refuses to move out by A. Smith (NV) on February 19, 2013 @16:50 [ Reply ]
What's the name of the form you get to get the lockout? I have terrible tenants who have given me nothing but grief. Their lease is up and I told them that I will need to have them move out at the end of the month (they got 30 day notice) but they emailed me that they like to stay longer. I have a feeling that they will not be gone by the date due (have many reasons) so I like to know what to do once they have not moved and are not under contract of a lease. (I already have taken them to court once for lack of payment and filled the "pay or quit" notice which they disputed, of course, but not sure what to do now.) Please let me know of the necessary process to get tenants out. Thanks.

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