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Should I provide rental verification - Landlord Forum thread 251927

Should I provide rental verification by Daniel (CA) on March 27, 2012 @18:46


Should I provide rental verification? My tenant is requesting rental verification.
My lease states that LL doesn’t provide references. This is a lease from my apartment association; so there might be some legal reason for this. Also our policy is not to provide references, is making an exception wrong?
The reason for the request is --these tenants stated that they want to buy a timeshare.
They did pay on time for the past 12 months.
They did not give me heads up about this, so some guy has been calling me for around a month asking; and I’ve been ignoring the call.
These are the same tenants from this thread:

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Re: Should I provide rental verification by Anonymous on March 27, 2012 @19:13 [ Reply ]
Contact the apartment association and ask for their advice. As you said, it's included in the lease for a reason. Find out what the reason is and proceed from there. For all you know, this stranger could be trying to get information about these tenant for a timeshare scam. It's not unheard of and better be safe than sorry since your tenants didn't even bother to let you know to expect a call.
Re: Should I provide rental verification by Daniel (CA) on March 27, 2012 @20:00 [ Reply ]
Oh I wanted to add:
These tenants are a couple (not roommates), And they have been providing 2 checks for each rent payment, Rent is $1600 and they have paying $800 X 2 = 1600 for the past 12 months.
No big deal, except for the little extra bookkeeping line entry that I need to keep.

So I was thinking of advising them that they could just provide copies of their rent checks . But instead of just 12 copies they will ( smiling with a little amusement) have to look for 24 copies , (ie a little extra bookkeeping effort that they'll have to do).

Re: Should I provide rental verification by Abdon on March 27, 2012 @21:25 [ Reply ]
If I was the tenant, it would bother me that you would not provide me with a lousy rental verification. You are basically stating 'this person lives here and pays rent'.

Google up 'rental verification form', fill it out, give it to them. I'm sure you would apreciate it if somebody else goes a hair out of their way to help you with something you need.
Re: Should I provide rental verification by Anonymous on March 28, 2012 @01:10 [ Reply ]
If they were at least decent tenants then the decent thing to do is to at least give them a reference.

These people could be at the mercy of your reference in order to get the new place they want to live in. Come on, man.
Re: Should I provide rental verification by Daniel (CA) on March 28, 2012 @14:13 [ Reply ]
First, this is in the lease that we don’t provide it; so I am trying to find out the rationale from other LL's here about the issue.
Second, my experience from these tenants is that “no good deed goes unpunished”.
When they got locked out I did the 30 mile round trip and unlocked their door any locksmith charges $90 in this area for a service call. And then a short time after they want me to pay for damages that one of them caused by driving their car into an object. $900.
Third, I get these calls out of the blue from their agent without a heads up from tenants; so yes I am annoyed that I was put into a position that it was improper and liable to divulge information.

anyway, the association said that I could just say if they paid their rent on time during their tenancy.
Re: Should I provide rental verification by ERIC on March 31, 2012 @08:37 [ Reply ]
Your apartment association lease clause was written by an possibly uninformed, or you do not understand it. All decent apartment provide references to written requests. They also call and get references.

Imagine if no one gave references?

Give a reference. I do it all of the time.

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