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Re: Should I provide rental verification - Landlord Forum thread 251985

Re: Should I provide rental verification by Daniel (CA) on March 28, 2012 @14:13

First, this is in the lease that we don’t provide it; so I am trying to find out the rationale from other LL's here about the issue.
Second, my experience from these tenants is that “no good deed goes unpunished”.
When they got locked out I did the 30 mile round trip and unlocked their door any locksmith charges $90 in this area for a service call. And then a short time after they want me to pay for damages that one of them caused by driving their car into an object. $900.
Third, I get these calls out of the blue from their agent without a heads up from tenants; so yes I am annoyed that I was put into a position that it was improper and liable to divulge information.

anyway, the association said that I could just say if they paid their rent on time during their tenancy.
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