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Re: Rent--once/mo or twice a month--legal? - Landlord Forum thread 264721

Re: Rent--once/mo or twice a month--legal? by John-PA-LL on August 22, 2012 @19:54

Let him budget his own money, and pay on the first like everyone else. Once you open up that can of worms, you will find that the t will be later that the 15th. weekends holidays, i couldn't cash my check etc, etc. Have him put the money in a cookie jar and give it all to you on the 1st.
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Re: Rent--once/mo or twice a month--legal? by A.T.SF (CA) on August 22, 2012 @20:04 [ Reply ]
I totally agree with John. You are under no obligation to oblige this request. It does not benefit you in the least. You may not increase the rent to offset...not legal.
    Re: Rent--once/mo or twice a month--legal? by OK-LL on August 23, 2012 @01:08 [ Reply ]
    Is there a specific set of reasons to raise rent in CA? Why can't LL give proper notice and simply raise the rent for any or no reason? (Assuming not rent controlled and this is M2M).
      Re: Rent--once/mo or twice a month--legal? by A.T.SF (CA) on August 23, 2012 @06:51 [ Reply ]
      Other than annual entitlement, no. To offset the increase cost of 'living' like water, insurance or taxes as long as it falls under the 10% rule it should be enough to raise rent annually. Anything other than that must be petitioned and approved by the local or county rent board or housing authority. I raise rents annually and just site the ordinance that allows me to do so. But to allow a Change of Terms of Tenancy and then charge additionally for that accommodation is not legal.
Re: Rent--once/mo or twice a month--legal? by Anonymous on August 23, 2012 @12:04 [ Reply ]
"Let him budget his own money, and pay on the first like everyone else."

Couldn't we give this advice to the landlord too? She should budget her payment just like everyone else and pay on time. Right now she figures she is "fronting" the tenant because she does not have the money to pay on the first.

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