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Is it legal to ban waterbeds from rental? - Landlord Forum thread 275182

Is it legal to ban waterbeds from rental? by CeeCee (CA) on January 18, 2013 @10:58

I'm wondering how to handle this if it comes up.

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Re: Is it legal to ban waterbeds from rental? by OK-LL on January 18, 2013 @11:07 [ Reply ]
Yes. Just like a "no pets" rule, you can have a "no waterbeds" rule. Easy to check up on during a regular inspection, too difficult for tenant to breakdown even with 24-hour notice. Having just moved 2 abandoned and damaged waterbeds out of 2 different rentals, I'm going to include a ban on these in my rentals, too, going forward.
Re: Is it legal to ban waterbeds from rental? by Bill on January 18, 2013 @12:19 [ Reply ]
If an applicant comes up with a doctors letter saying he is handicapped in some way or that a water bed is therapeutic, you may have a problem refusing them.
Re: Is it legal to ban waterbeds from rental? by Anonymous (CA) on January 18, 2013 @14:24 [ Reply ]
Probably not, but surprisingly, this is the one item that the state of California allows you to 2.5X the security deposit for...."Unfurnished rental unit: The total amount that the landlord requires as security cannot be more than the amount of two months' rent. If you have a waterbed, the total amount allowed as security can be up to two and-a-half times the monthly rent"
Re: Is it legal to ban waterbeds from rental? by Anonymous (CA) on January 18, 2013 @14:25 [ Reply ]
I doubt you can but surprisingly, California allows you to charge up to 2.5X the security deposit - "Unfurnished rental unit: The total amount that the landlord requires as security cannot be more than the amount of two months' rent. If you have a waterbed, the total amount allowed as security can be up to two and-a-half times the monthly rent"
Re: Is it legal to ban waterbeds from rental? by ERIC on January 18, 2013 @14:39 [ Reply ]
I have not seen a water bed in years. In MN, this is a fairly standard lease clause.

8. WATERBEDS: RESIDENT may not keep a waterbed or other water-filled furniture in the apartment without the prior written consent of MANAGEMENT.

Renters insurance should cover any damages a water bed causes.
Re: Is it legal to ban waterbeds from rental? by Anonymous on January 18, 2013 @18:19 [ Reply ]
Yes, it's legal. In my LPA lease, and in other leases I have seen for CA, there is a clause about "no water-filled furniture or items." This means waterbeds as well as aquariums.
Re: Is it legal to ban waterbeds from rental? by Daniel (CA) on January 19, 2013 @10:50 [ Reply ]
you can require that they prepay up to 6 months, for a lease that is 6 months or more, ( in California). this can get you additional financial protection
WRONG!!! by Anonymous on January 20, 2013 @03:46 [ Reply ]
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, a landlord cannot refuse waterbeds.

However, a smart landlord can demand the renter carry insurance to cover ANY damage caused by a waterbed.

I'm once again disappointed in the landlords here who allege to know what they are doing.

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