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Re: WRONG!!! - Landlord Forum thread 275527

Re: WRONG!!! by Rick (GA) on January 20, 2013 @21:46

"Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, a landlord cannot refuse waterbeds."

This part is true, IF, the the applicant qualifies as having a disability, AND a qualified professional (such as a Doctor) gives a statement that having a WB is necessary

"However, a smart landlord can demand the renter carry insurance to cover ANY damage caused by a waterbed."

This part is incorrect
A LL cannot require a disabled person to get insurance for having a WB any more that the can require insurance for having a seeing eye dog.
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Re: WRONG!!! by Al (CT) on January 20, 2013 @23:05 [ Reply ]
Then who covers the damage if the waterbed explodes? The landlord?
    Re: WRONG!!! by Bryan (Ia) on January 21, 2013 @15:20 [ Reply ]
    Waterbeds are not under pressure and do not explode, that is a myth. They also have a liner between the mattress and the frame to contain water in case of a leak.
      Re: WRONG!!! by Al (CT) on January 21, 2013 @22:51 [ Reply ]
      It's not a myth that something that is full of water has the potential to leak water all over the place.

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