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Re: Building Code Inspector Left His Card In The Door - Landlord Forum thread 292893

Re: Building Code Inspector Left His Card In The Door by Michelle (Long Island NY) on June 4, 2013 @10:10

Just had this happen to me. Curious, what was the outcome. Did you let him in or not. My attorney told me to not let him in and refer him attorneys office.
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Re: Building Code Inspector Left His Card In The Door by John (NY) on August 16, 2013 @00:20 [ Reply ]
What happened, Michelle? I also live on LI and this happened to me.
Re: Building Code Inspector Left His Card In The Door by judith gilchriest (copiague ny long island) on September 24, 2013 @18:51 [ Reply ]
what is the lawyers number i need him there trying to get in my my house they said if i dont let them they will put me in jail and fine me 60000 and i will have a criminal record for renting
Re: Building Code Inspector Left His Card In The Door by john (ny) on November 2, 2013 @17:05 [ Reply ]
what happened michelle i have same issur
Re: Building Code Inspector Left His Card In The Door by Mickey (RI) on February 27, 2014 @07:51 [ Reply ]
Could you let me know the outcome of your situation. I recently rec'd a card also.
Re: Building Code Inspector Left His Card In The Door by Nervous Landlord (NY) on February 23, 2017 @19:21 [ Reply ]
This just happened to me please let me know what the outcome for you was. I did not let them in...will they get a warrant?
Re: Building Code Inspector Left His Card In The Door by Grutmang on September 21, 2022 @18:22 [ Reply ]

What was the outcome of your case. I just got notifications from Zoning to enter my house due to complaint from neighbor about illegal basement apartment.

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