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I just called the Magistrates office - Landlord Forum thread 317795

I just called the Magistrates office by Anonymous on April 22, 2014 @08:45

The clerk said that she has 7-15 days to enter an order for eviction. I asked her if I could file early and she enter it the day after the end of the lease (when he would then be a hold over) so I could save time and she said, "I suppose."
hearing is within 7-15 days of filing. Judgement is given at hearing.
T is given 10 days to leave, pay or appeal.
on 11th day, if T is not out, pay another $130 for order of possession which then takes the constable 10 days to move T's stuff out and change the locks. UGH!
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Re: I just called the Magistrates office by Nicole (PA) on April 22, 2014 @09:23 [ Reply ]
you're a little wrong at the end. when the constable grants you possession, another 10 days start running for tenants to give you notice about any property they didn't take. If everything is gone at the time of lock out, you're good to go. You change your locks the day the constable grants you possession but if it's not empty, you still don't have access. Constable doesn't remove the items, you do that 10 days after possession is granted if the tenant hasn't notified you they want their worldly possessions.

also, just read your reply ... be sure you fill your complaint out correctly ... you don't want them to have the option to pay ... you just want them out ... from what you say in your original post.

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