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Re: Roommates Won't Allow Me To Get Out Of The Lease - Landlord Forum thread 319979

Re: Roommates Won't Allow Me To Get Out Of The Lease by Brien O'Conan (Massachusetts) on June 13, 2014 @22:37

Sorry. "They" would be the the landlord who works for Re/MAX and manages the property that my roommates and I are renting. She said that I do in fact have to get my roommates' approval because we are on the same lease together. Is this not accurate? We have to come to a mutual agreement on a decision and sign a notice together, otherwise, anything else sent to them would be invalid and would be the same as not sending them anything at all, and would result in the lease being converted into a month to month.

If I send them an individual notice (signed by me only) via Certified Mail, do you think that would be sufficient to protect myself if the landlord decides to sue me when I leave at the end of my lease?
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Re: Roommates Won't Allow Me To Get Out Of The Lease by Anonymous on June 15, 2014 @01:06 [ Reply ]
That is a bunch of signed a lease for one year. Period. Now that year is over. Give notice and leave. You cannot be legally bound to the roommates going forward. There is nothing he can sue you for. The lease is over and YOU WILL NOT sign the next one. Worst is that you may lose your deposit but heck then you can sue them for it. Take good pictures and video of the place before you leave. Clean it up too. Maybe you should tell them you are getting a lawyer now. They are dead wrong here.

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