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Re: Roommates Won't Allow Me To Get Out Of The Lease - Landlord Forum thread 319992

Re: Roommates Won't Allow Me To Get Out Of The Lease by Kim on June 14, 2014 @12:11

Have you thought about consulting an attorney? Yes, it may cost money...but some attorneys will do an initial consult for free and even if it does cost you, it may be cheaper than paying even one more month's rent. I'd make an appointment with one ASAP that specializes in either real estate or contract law (or both) and find out if you really are on the hook here and what could potentially happen and what your options are. Obviously, you don't want to have your credit ruined or be sued and found at fault. And, you don't want to lose any more sleep over this.

Perhaps something as simple as a letter from the attorney to your roommates and to the landlord will solve the problem. Or you may have even more options. This is a stressful situation for don't need to leave town and go to your new job worrying about what these narcisistic roommates and the landlord may do to you.
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Re: Roommates Won't Allow Me To Get Out Of The Lease by Bill on June 14, 2014 @16:45 [ Reply ]
Some Universities offer a light version of legal aid.

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