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Re: The house we rent is in foreclosure - rent ? - Landlord Forum thread 320415

Re: The house we rent is in foreclosure - rent ? by Anonymous on June 25, 2014 @17:34

Thank you for your advice. I really appreciate it!
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Re: The house we rent is in foreclosure - rent ? by OK-LL on June 25, 2014 @18:31 [ Reply ]
I would not discuss my rent payment status vis-a-vis other owners with the new owner -- it's simply not his business. Whatever your agreement with the original owner and/or his agent/property manager, in regard to rent payments, that's between you and he and the current owner cannot use your nonpayment to the previous owner to press an eviction suit -- he does not have standing because the debt was not owed to him, it was owed to the original owner. The current owner needs only to know whether you are under a lease agreement or a month-to-month rental agreement, and do you have the rent funds to cover the period from when he took ownership through today. That's all he is entitled to and all he has the right to be concerned with. This information will tell him whether he has to wait out your lease or whether he can give you a 30- or 60-day notice to termination the tenancy.
    Re: The house we rent is in foreclosure - rent ? by OK-LL on June 25, 2014 @18:33 [ Reply ]
    Again, an addendum, my response would be different if this was a normal sale, but because it was a foreclosure I don't believe the new owner assumes the previous obligations and benefits on the property, so the rental account itself does not transfer to the new owner, only the current rent obligation. Perhpas someone else will know more specifically whether that is correct.

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