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Re: breach of contract by one party. - Landlord Forum thread 326418

Re: breach of contract by one party. by Monica on October 28, 2014 @10:12

"he may be just trying to find out what you're going to do about the fact that he's leaving early."

Exactly and most landlords are non-confrontational and as such tend to be easily persuaded by tenants especially when the attitude comes on and with an already "written in stone" reference, you will be backed into a corner when they demand their deposit back after breaking the lease.

It doesn't hurt at this point to remind them that they are responsible to fulfill the lease and pay the rent through December. This keeps the ball in your court and they are less likely to manipulate you into forgoing that penalty for breaking the lease. It doesn't mean they will pay it but it does mean you have their deposit to cover some of it. Do NO tell them they are not getting their deposit, you will give an accounting of it per State requirement and return what they do have coming back to them.

Make the check out to ALL parties who signed the lease no matter what he or she says. Do not split the deposit between them, that is up to them to deal with each other over who gets what.
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