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Re: Mailbox Key - Landlord Forum thread 326569

Re: Mailbox Key by mike (california) on November 1, 2014 @21:42

Speaking only of California and speaking strictly about apartment style mailbox "banks", the Postal Service does NOT in any way at all have copies of your mailbox key. PERIOD.

The Postal Service is ONLY responsible for the one single key and lock that they use to open the mailbox bank of mailboxes.

The Postal Service does not own or maintain your mailboxes. PERIOD.

The Postal Service ONLY has the single key that opens up the entire "bank" of mailboxes and not YOUR particular mailbox.

It will be an exercise in frustration and confusion if you think you can get a key from the Postal Service.

If YOU lose the key issued to you by the landlord and he doesn't have a key, then you two have to come to an agreement over who needs to pay for the replacement. In KINDNESS the landlord may foot the bill, but YOU lost the key, so YOU might have to pay for it.

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