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Re: former tenant refuses to remove belongings - Landlord Forum thread 330239

Re: former tenant refuses to remove belongings by Todd (CA) on January 22, 2015 @17:55

"change the locks because we have a legal right to access the house "
Where is that located in Cal L/T law. Cannot seem to locate where a landlord can just change the locks without notice to tenant only that's illegal to do so!
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Re: former tenant refuses to remove belongings by Leila (California) on January 23, 2015 @00:01 [ Reply ]
We did inform him that we were changing the locks. HE had changed the locks illegally without giving us a copy of the key. Its in our lease that he cannot do this and I believe it is the law also but not sure where and am leaving in a few so can't look for it right now. LL has to have access to the house in case of emergencies.

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