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Re: former tenant refuses to remove belongings - Landlord Forum thread 330245

Re: former tenant refuses to remove belongings by Leila (California) on January 23, 2015 @00:01

We did inform him that we were changing the locks. HE had changed the locks illegally without giving us a copy of the key. Its in our lease that he cannot do this and I believe it is the law also but not sure where and am leaving in a few so can't look for it right now. LL has to have access to the house in case of emergencies.
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Re: former tenant refuses to remove belongings by Mary (WA) on January 23, 2015 @01:00 [ Reply ]
No you cannot just change the locks, you must request in writing a copy of the key. If tenant does not provide one, you must go to court. The tenant can claim an illegal eviction, which I believe you have taken the bait for. You need an attorney asap as you seem to have no idea what your doing!
    Re: former tenant refuses to remove belongings by Leila (California) on January 23, 2015 @23:48 [ Reply ]
    Per our lease and what we were told by the police dept. we could change the lock because it was illegal for THEM to change the locks. The are not locked out they still have access to come and go as they please - but now we have access as well.
      Re: former tenant refuses to remove belongings by Brenda (Ca) on January 24, 2015 @03:47 [ Reply ]
      The police told you! Maybe they will contribute to your defense fund also. Cali law says thats an illegal lockout and is a crime to do so. You have made every mistake in the book on this one and should seek legal help asap!
      Re: former tenant refuses to remove belongings by Anonymous on January 24, 2015 @11:15 [ Reply ]
      So your police are now lawyers? Your tenant can change the locks as long as they provide you a key upon request, that's not illegal. What you have done is illegal and California sets a penalty of $100 a day for illegally changing the locks. Of course you will also be paying lawyer fees and court cost added to this fine. What a mess you have gotten yourself into!!!

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