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Re: Removing Lodger under California civil code 1946.5 - Landlord Forum thread 331715

Re: Removing Lodger under California civil code 1946.5 by Elisa (California) on March 3, 2015 @17:28

I read everything that I could find on the law and its enforcement. The police and sheriff departments are not well educated in lodger law. I left notices to the lodger (I had only one renter, renting a single room in my home) informing him that as a lodger he did not have the same rights as a tenant. I took photos of his violations and gave him copies along with written notice that I would take him to court if he did not move. When he asked for more time, I told him that I needed to see him make progress in moving. When he asked whether I had his rent deposit I informed him that he was not yet moved out. He took additional time but did move a bit faster than the courts would.
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