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Re: Mailbox Key - Landlord Forum thread 342553

Re: Mailbox Key by A.Landlady (OR.) on January 29, 2016 @10:12

Listen, it's easy to blame your Tenant for losing the key, and clogging the plumbing, and for treating you like you're there 'Mommy' but it's the job we signed up for when we bought property with the intent to rent it out (or signed up to be property managers). Renters can be like children, but at the same time I've found that not acting like their disappointed Mommy and giving them a lecture every time they clog their pipes or lose a key, means that when things break they tell me that they're broken. That way I can fix things as they happen, instead of the tenant being to concerned that I'm going to give them a time out to tell me that their pipes are clogged. Because we all know what happens when they don't tell us, we hear it from their downstairs neighbor who now has water leaking though their ceiling. Or the post man comes in and says "hey unit 123's mail box is crammed full of the last six months worth of junk mail, where should I leave today's? Here In the office?!" No, I'm the land lord, that means I've signed up to deal with tenants, and fix the things that they would fix themselves IF THEY OWNED THE PLACE! Part of the reason people pay high rent prices is because they know maintenance costs (for the most part) will be covered. SO please- suck it up, for the benefit of your tenants and for your own piece of mind. Or keep treating your tenants like children, and start doing mandatory maintenance inspections, because that is the only way you'll find out about these minor problems before they become catastrophes!
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