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Re: Can we refuse Section 8 tenants? - Landlord Forum thread 343911

Re: Can we refuse Section 8 tenants? by anonymous (NJ) on March 28, 2016 @07:15

No. you have no basis for your argument. I accept section 8. I have found them to be the most troubling tenants. Broken cabinets, cigarette burns on vanity, counter tops. One tenant use the counter top for a cutting board. another refused to allow an exterminator to treat the apartment; totally unbelievable, breaking rules at will. The ratio section 8 tenant to those who pay their own (compliant to non-complaint to rules) is incredible. That is why landlord in protected states run credit and background checks, to weed out the (more often than not) problematic prone Section 8 tenant.
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Re: Can we refuse Section 8 tenants? by Anonymous on April 22, 2016 @03:25 [ Reply ]
1- It sounds like you don't check your applicants 'rental' history, and I don't mean just the renter's last landlord. If the applicant is a problem tenant, obviously his current landlord will say anything to get him out of his unit.

2- Your comments make me think your place is a dump to begin with. Do you secure appropriate security deposits? Do you do a complete walk-through with each of your tenants with photos?

"Problematic prone Section 8 tenant "? Be careful. You're skating on thin ice on the discrimination pond.

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