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Re: RENT INCREASE IN PA. - Landlord Forum thread 343938

Re: RENT INCREASE IN PA. by Me (Pa) on March 29, 2016 @10:26

Financial gains ! Ha ha! With rising cost of taxes and sewer and repairs there is no financial gain in renting . Only opportunity to meet a boat load of unscrupulous people who stick you with electric bills and trash your house
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Re: RENT INCREASE IN PA. by Anonymous on March 30, 2016 @22:17 [ Reply ]
There are valid reasons why landlords can and should be able to raise rent! For starters, landlords, unlike tenants got plenty to lose - their property! While tenants have little financial strings attached to the home they live in, besides a security deposit.

Second, landlord is not a charity organization, but a person who needs to pay taxes, insurance, maintenance bills, as well as take care of his tenant's complaints, while hoping that the property would not be trashed. All of that takes time and money, and hopefully landlord can make some extra cash on top of all the expenses, given all the hard work put in and the risks involved!

Finally, we live in a capitalist society, no communism here - so folks should grow up and take care of their business like adults, instead of whining and expecting subsidies and special treatment: If you are not happy as a tenant with your rent increase - you are completely free to say good bye to your landlord and wish him luck looking for new tenants.
    Re: RENT INCREASE IN PA. by Annonymous (PA) on July 25, 2017 @14:30 [ Reply ]
    Do landlords want to keep tenants that have caused them NO issues during a 4 year period? As well as NO destruction, or damage to the property being rented? When the tenant has not called you for any problems with the exception of the 2nd floor tenant causing a disruption in night time sleep for said renter on the 1st floor?
      Re: RENT INCREASE IN PA. by Royslum on September 4, 2019 @19:18 [ Reply ]
      You are a real jerk. We could use a little socialism so regular people are able to survive.
    Re: RENT INCREASE IN PA. by Royslum on September 4, 2019 @19:21 [ Reply ]
    This isn't always the case. No one is saying you shouldn't make a profit but be reasonable.

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