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Re: How to terminate a lease for only 1 tenant - Landlord Forum thread 348142

Re: How to terminate a lease for only 1 tenant by Walter on September 8, 2016 @11:20

I'm confused. A month to month lease is just that. Either party can give a 30 day notice (my agreement says a full month) at any time. If the lease expires in November it's not m-m. You can't give a 30 day notice until the lease expires. What you can do is take them to court because they did not pay or that they broke the lease. When I recently bought my buildings I inherited some Ts that I would have never placed. I have evicted some for not paying and others were given a 30 day (I actually gave a nice couple a month and a half to vacate). If there a 2 people and I wanted to keep 1 they I would evict then ask to one to re apply then see if they met my standards.
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