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Re: How to terminate a lease for only 1 tenant - Landlord Forum thread 348232

Re: How to terminate a lease for only 1 tenant by Daniel (CA) on September 9, 2016 @22:52

This is how someone at my apartment assoc got rid of a roommate.
A friend of his was a fireman and he moved in and walked around the apartment nude!
The girl called the police and of course the fireman put on a robe/towel when he walked to the door.
They couldn't arrest the guy for walking around nude in his own home; nothing illegal about that.
The bad tenant moved out shortly after.
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Re: How to terminate a lease for only 1 tenant by Patrica on September 9, 2016 @23:06 [ Reply ]
That just proves the point that there are stupid ignorant landlords who stoop to unethical means. No professional landlord would do such a thing. But you think this is proper to do shows how unethical you are also!

    Re: How to terminate a lease for only 1 tenant by Anon on September 9, 2016 @23:40 [ Reply ]
    Patrica, your dealing with a mind that needs a flow chart to install a window air conditioner and thinks using a gopro camera is proper to record the tenants inter acting with management. (which is illegal in Ca.)

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