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Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots - Landlord Forum thread 348717

Re: bully tenant has been calling the shots by Chris60 (Victoria) on October 9, 2016 @17:43

Neither the landlord nor the tenant is the boss, and tenancy laws provide clear expectations about both parties'rights and responsibilities. As an owner/resident, I was instructed to leave after filing a complaint against an unruly tenant who attacked me twice while repairing damage to his lot caused by the absent landlord's ongoing neglect. Now I am stuck between unruly tenants and landlords who want to act like feudal scrooges. Tenants have rights, which landlords often violate as they forget that leases give tenants possession of their property for a period of time. To be honest, slumlords and slum mentality of some tenants causes properties to deteriorate rapidly as neither feel entitled to contribute to ongoing maintenance and repairs. Bring in agents who also don't care and a place becomes a cash cow instead of a home.
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