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expried lease, converts to month to month - Landlord Forum thread 352585

expried lease, converts to month to month by Hilary on June 1, 2017 @12:20

I have an apartment in NYC and I now live in CA. I have been renting to a tenant, for about 3 years, who does not get back to me when I try to get a hold of him, is always late on his rent and now I just want to to give him his one month notice. WHat complicates things is that the lease expired a long time ago and I just assumed that it reverted to month to month,- which was fine with me. but now I've been told by a NY lawyer that that is not the case, that basically he is living there without a lease. THis is not a standard lease either in that it is actually a legal sublet- I own the apartment but it is a coop apartment, subject to coop rules. Im about to give him a one month notice without any justification- only because I want to reassume the apartment. Any comments on my complicated situation?
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Re: expried lease, converts to month to month by Joel on June 1, 2017 @13:06 [ Reply ]
You should check with another NY lawyer to be sure.
I would think it goes month to month.
Was the NY lawyer the tenant's lawyer?

Also is it a Rent Controlled apartment? Rent control has a different set of rules than everyone else.

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