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Long term tenant nightmare - Landlord Forum thread 358529

Long term tenant nightmare by Thriver on September 2, 2018 @13:50

I have some tenants who have rented from me for 22 years. Never once have they been late on their rent, but their rent is at least $300.00 less than what I could get. I went 8 yrs.before never raising it, and then I went another 5 yrs. never raising it. This year I've raised it another $60.00, so only 4%. They are mad & freaking out over this, and think their rent should never be raised. This is my own fault for spoiling them. They are pushing for rent control in my town & I'm worried as many other landlords are about this. We are raising rents before it passes, and still hoping it never does.

I had to cut several large trees down because they were so close to the house, & the tenants have hated me for doing this. My fire insurance company said they would no longer insure me. They cracked up the walkways really bad & I put new walkways in after they were removed. I didn't want anyone getting hurt tripping over all the cracks, and plus it looked bad. I don't live on the property & was shocked the other day to drive by & see the tree growing back that was now around 3' high. I asked my gardener to remove it, & asked him why he was letting it grow back. He said the tenant told him not to cut it! I was angry, & when I saw him as I was driving by I told him to not tell my gardener what to do. He was mad his potted plants were moved as my tree trimmer had to get into the flower bed to remove the tree again, and to trim another tree. A shooter from the tree removed was coming up also in the flower bed on the other side of the walkway. As I drove away I said to the tenant why don't you just move & he just laughed. Now he has decided not to pay the rent out of anger over me saying this. I wish I had handled it better, but it's too late now. What would you advise me to do? If they are intending to move now then they should still pay the rent this month because they rent month to month, and to also have left a notice saying they're planning on moving. I know for sure they will not find rent as low as what they are paying for what they are getting. I'm willing to do some work in their place, but anything they want I know I legally don't have to do. They want new carpeting, but I prefer to redo the hardwood floors, because if they move soon I will be out the money for the carpet to then tear it out to have hardwood floors that are much nicer & more popular. They want a brand new sink, but it's an old fashioned sink that will cost $450.00 and then more money to install. When they move I plan to remodel the kitchen & would of course put in a modern sink, so that also would be a big waste of money.
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Re: Long term tenant nightmare by AnonymousFL on September 2, 2018 @15:38 [ Reply ]
The question you may want to consider is how much of a social worker do you want to be and how much do you want to have a business. It is very nice of you to not raise the rent in a market that supports higher rent, but realize that you essentially gave your tenants $3,600.00 last year, $7,200.00 over two years...$10,000 over 3 years...

If you are in the game to make money, you have provided several reasons why you would be better off with new tenants. If they have not paid their rent, take the opportunity to get them out by either serving a notice to pay or vacate or by sending them a notice to vacate due to not renewing the lease (you didn't mention your state, so it's hard to say what route is best).

As far as upgrades, why reward them for the problems they are causing as well as under-market rent? If something needs to be repaired, by all means repair it to bring it back to it's original condition...but I would not consider doing an upgrade unless it makes the unit more rentable and increases value (ie more rent).

From your post, it sounds like you feel the tenants have all the power. You own the rental. You are the decision maker for your business. It is not the struggle you make it out to be if take ownership of your properties.

Good luck with it.
Re: Long term tenant nightmare by Garry on September 2, 2018 @16:48 [ Reply ]
I'm guessing you are in California, as I monitor another LL site out of there, and several cities there either have or are attempting to get rent control. The FIRST thing you need to do, is know and understand your state's LL/T laws, and its eviction laws. If you don't know them, then you need to hire an attorney that does know them. Your Ts have stayed at your place for 22 years, because they have known for years they have been getting cheap rent. Well, good things don't last forever.

If they have not paid Sept rent by Tuesday or Wednesday, you need to give them an official/legal notice to pay rent or move. If they don't pay it, start eviction procedures against them. If they do pay it, give them another written letter of a (minimum) 60 day notice to move, say by Nov 30. Once out, go in and remodel the place as you want. Then rent it out at just a hair under market rent. In the letter, tell them you expect Oct. and Nov. rent to be paid on time. Also tell them you are not going to do any remodeling till they are out. Always remember, put EVERYTHING in writing, and if the Ts "say" something, tell the to put it in writing, also. If anything ever gets to a courtroom, judges want to see things in WRITING, not in a he said/she said situation.

As AnonFL has said, it is YOUR property, and you have the right to try to make a profit on it any way you can. If that means remodeling your way, and rerenting to new Ts for a higher rent, then that is YOUR perogative.
Re: Long term tenant nightmare by LAMAC66 on September 5, 2018 @08:50 [ Reply ]
No rent? Post notice. No rent still? File for eviction.

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